Teaching Diverse History Summit

Teaching Diverse History Summit

Teaching Diverse Histories Summit was Developed in alignment with MDE’s Top Ten Strategic Plan and SBOE’s Resolution on Teaching Comprehensive History, the Wayne County Teaching Diverse Histories Summit is funded by MDE’s 99d Teaching Diverse Histories Grant, awarded to Westwood Community School District, in partnership with Wayne RESA. Under the title “Lifting Untold Stories: Pedagogies and Practices for Teaching a People’s History of Wayne County,” the Wayne County Teaching Diverse Histories Summit will focus on the pedagogy and practice of teaching the fullness of history. It will bring together participants from across the state and presenters from Michigan and beyond for two days of high-quality, professional learning seminars and hands-on workshops that utilize principles from culturally responsive, inquiry-based, and place-based pedagogy. These sessions will provide teachers with the pedagogy and practice necessary to teach the fullness of American history, including, but not limited to, the teaching of the history of communities of color and other marginalized communities, the teaching of local history, and the teaching of cultural competency. Conference Website

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